Other artists featured includes David Mazzucchelli, Kaz, Mark Beyer, Bob Sikoryak, Mark Newgarden, Julie Doucet, and Krystine Kryttre
Cover copyright © Kaz
Over two pages, Ware does five short strips. The longest one, «Clive the Rat» shows our hero at school, dreading giving a speech in class, and generally having a bad day. It's hilarious. Next is a «Quimby the Mouse» about simple pleasures, followed by a new «Quimby the Mouse» about returning to where he lived as a child and being locked out (shown to the right). The fourth strip is a super duper team up between Quimby and that potato guy, while the fifth is the potato guy doing facial expressions. I can't make out what that's supposed to be about.
The two pages give the feel of someone rummaging through his
sketch book for printable work, but it's quite enjoyable.