Acid Mothers Temple SWR - Yes, No & Perhaps

  1. Theme of SWR (Yes, No & Perhaps) (02:29)
  2. The black waffle with Jolokia Ssause (03:44)
  3. Loquacity... It is surprisingly reticence... ~Nagi Nagi number attended number of love (04:56)
  4. The adventures of Margo Roby-Yong (04:41)
  5. Shikoku eighty-eight places tour while the jump next iteration (03:56)
  6. Natural enemies of prog mania is approaching! expand to 3 chords-8 beats now (04:33)
  7. Seven beats on slowly slowly slowly (08:48)
  8. Life of Lion Tamarin that was invited to court (04:41)
  9. Raundaboutmidnightlightningvolt & nut (05:39)
  10. Put the corner stone that brings victory (06:44)
  11. The 30 methods for breaking a record with a stone and making a woman impatient (07:18)

Bought: 06 May 2015 01:16:35


  1. 22 Jun 2015 22:07:02
  2. 28 Oct 2015 01:16:52
