Stuff - 423 (And on reeds...)

  1. Marvin Pontiac / Greatest Hits / Pancakes
  2. Hannah Diamond / Perfect Picture / Affirmations
  3. Merope / Salos / Oi Toli
  4. Ceci N'est Pas / The Last Time / The Last Time
  5. Co-Pilot / Rotate / She Walks In Beauty
  6. Inga Copeland / Higher Powers / A&E (Copeland Audacity Mix)
  7. Various / The Wire Tapper 63 / Nihiloxica - Source of Denial
  8. Lost Girls / Selvutsletter / With the Other Hand
  9. The Unthanks / Here's The Tender Coming / The Testimony of Patience Kershaw
  10. Marvin Pontiac / Greatest Hits / Runnin' Round
  11. Róisín Murphy / Hit Parade / Milf Funk
  12. Peter Broderick & Ensemble 0 / Give It to the Sky: Arthur Russell's Tower of Meaning Expanded / Corky III
  13. Vanishing Twin / Afternoon X / Afternoon X
  14. Jaimie Branch / Fly or Die Fly or Die Fly or Die ((world war)) / Take Over The World
  15. Joan as Police Woman / Cover (Album) / Baby
  16. Family Fodder / Schizophrenia Party / Silence

Bought: 03 Jan 2025 15:24:50
