Other artists featured includes Mark Beyer, Mark Newgarden, Krystine Kryttre, Bob Sikoryak, Penny Van Horn, Gary Panter, Kaz, Jim Woodring, David Mazzucchelli, and Justin Green
Cover copyright © Mark Newgarden
Perhaps Ware's most heart-rendering work, this magnificent four page strips deals with the narrator's grandmother's death.
Over large images of trees (and one giant Ware super hero) float a great many small panels -- some connected by arrows, but most reading in the normal left-to-right fashion. No people are depicted -- just furniture, objects, buildings and rooms. The result is a strip of great loss, of sorrow, but it's also a very humanizing depiction of the grandmother. Without descending into bathos or melodramatics, but by pulling back, Ware is able to talk about death in a way that is supremely affecting.
Below all four pages is a funny «Quimby Mouse» strip that, when contrasted with the main strip (and it is a continuation of sorts), gives the whole experience even greater emotional depth.