
The Gnus development girls & boys are always happy to receive bug reports. «Whee», they are often heard to exclaim to one another. «Now we just have to totally rewrite that thingamajig that is executed when you put that whotzit in that flobzat. Have we died and gone to heaven?» they might further babble at each other. So, if you landed on this page through following those clever instructions you got back after sending a bug report -- thank you for helping us stamp out bugs.

However, the bugfixing girls & boys are not, how shall we put it, long-winded in their responses, in general. I'm sure they would like to do nothing else than exchange witty repartee with all and sundry for months on end. Fortunately, they don't do that, but instead they jot off short, incoherent responses before grabbing the next bug report that falls off the bug conveyor belt.

Below is an explanation of what typical zombie responses really mean.

There. that wasn's so difficult, was it?

The bugfixing zombie rarely answers questions about usage; ask on the newsgroup "gnu.emacs.gnus" instead.

The official Gnus homepage is www.gnus.org.

On Gnus Versions