Pop Will Eat Itself - The Looks Or The Lifestyle?

  1. England's Finest (04:52)
  2. Eat Me Drink Me Love Me Kill Me (06:05)
  3. Mother (03:33)
  4. Get The Girl + Kill The Baddies (05:45)
  5. I've Always Been A Coward, Baby (01:30)
  6. Token Drug Song (03:26)
  7. Karmadrome (05:40)
  8. Urban Futuristic (Son Of South Central) (04:02)
  9. Pretty Pretty (03:31)
  10. I Was A Teenage Grandad (01:25)
  11. Harry Dean Stanton (02:36)
  12. Bulletproof! (03:39)

Bought: 09 Oct 1998 21:10:55


  1. 06 Jun 2017 15:33:40
