The Sea and Cake - Nassau

  1. Nature Boy (05:03)
  2. Parasol (05:30)
  3. A Man Who Never Sees A Pretty Girl That He Doesn't Love Her A Little (03:02)
  4. The World Is Against You (03:12)
  5. Lamonts Lament (03:55)
  6. Soft and Sleep (03:43)
  7. The Cantina (04:48)
  8. Earth Star (05:10)
  9. Alone, For The Moment (04:44)
  10. I Will Hold The Tea Bag (07:27)

Bought: 04 Aug 2001 19:19:07


  1. 27 Nov 2001 19:14:26
  2. 27 Nov 2001 20:10:33
