A Silver Mt. Zion - He has left us alone but shafts of light sometimes grace the corner of our rooms

  1. Broken chords can sing a little (08:39)
  2. Sit in the middle of three galloping dogs (05:08)
  3. Stumble then rise on some awkward morning (06:04)
  4. Movie (never made) (03:23)
  5. 13 angels standing guard 'round the side of your bed (07:22)
  6. Long march rocket or doomed airliner (00:05)
  7. Blown-out joy from heaven's mercied hole (09:47)
  8. For Wanda (06:38)

Bought: 06 Apr 2000 19:29:28


  1. 25 Oct 2009 22:31:01
