This file contains a `by-topic' summary of comments and actions taken between version 14.10 (the second dpANS CL) and version 15.17. This document is NOT nor does it contain the official X3J13 responses to reviewers. It is just the editor's working notes. -kmp (12-May-94) =====[ Shepard #1 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT the proposed change. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. No aspect of the language is believed to rely upon the content of this table. It is for cross-reference purposes only. EFFECT: Old definition was: \displaythree{General Purpose Array-Related Defined Names}{ adjust-array&array-in-bounds-p&svref\cr adjustable-array-p&array-rank&upgraded-array-element-type\cr aref&array-rank-limit&upgraded-complex-part-type\cr array-dimension&array-row-major-index&vector\cr array-dimension-limit&array-total-size&vector-pop\cr array-dimensions&array-total-size-limit&vector-push\cr array-element-type&fill-pointer&vector-push-extend\cr array-has-fill-pointer-p&make-array&\cr } New table definition is: %% Added ARRAY-DISPLACEMENT per Tom Shepard. (X3J13 approved: May 4-5, 1994) %% -kmp 9-May-94 \displaythree{General Purpose Array-Related Defined Names}{ adjust-array&array-has-fill-pointer-p&make-array\cr adjustable-array-p&array-in-bounds-p&svref\cr aref&array-rank&upgraded-array-element-type\cr array-dimension&array-rank-limit&upgraded-complex-part-type\cr array-dimension-limit&array-row-major-index&vector\cr array-dimensions&array-total-size&vector-pop\cr array-displacement&array-total-size-limit&vector-push\cr array-element-type&fill-pointer&vector-push-extend\cr } =====[ Boyer #1 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to REJECT this proposal. IMPACT: NONE. EFFECT: NONE. =====[ Boyer #2 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to clarify its wording. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This change is believed to cause the document to say more clearly what it had already said. EFFECT: In 1.5.2 (Conforming Programs) on page 1-29: %% Rewritten per X3J13 and Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #2 (second public review). %% -kmp 9-May-94 % \itemitem{2.} \term{Conforming code} shall not rely on any particular % interpretation of \term{implementation-dependent} features. \itemitem{2.} \term{Conforming code} may use \term{implementation-dependent} features and values, but shall not rely upon any particular interpretation of these features and values other than those that are discovered by the execution of \term{code}. =====[ Boyer #3 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT proposed change as an editorial clarification. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This change just makes glossary cross-references from text which obviously already means what the glossary says the words mean. EFFECT: In on page 1-22: %% Added italic font for "argument precedence order" per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #3. %% -kmp 9-May-94 This information describes the \term{argument precedence order}. If it is omitted, the \term{argument precedence order} is the default (left to right). =====[ Boyer #4 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT proposed change as an editorial clarification. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This change makes the document consistent throughout. (There were numerous other references to the correct usage.) EFFECT: In, page 2-9: %% "slash" => "backslash" as an editorial change per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #4. %% This was right everywhere else in the manual--shame for it to be wrong here. %% -kmp 9-May-94 \term{Backslash} is a \term{single escape} \term{character} in \term{standard syntax}. =====[ Boyer #5 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to make several wording clarifications that we hope will clear up this confusion. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This just says differently what we all agree it meant to say before, but hopefully in a less confusing way. EFFECT: Changed the definition of "variable" in the glossary to the following. Note that section SymbolsAsForms is (Symbols as Forms). \gentry{variable} \Noun\ %% Rewritten per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #5 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting). %% -kmp 9-May-94 % %!!! Moon: This is certainly no valid definition, especially when contrasting % % the variable namespace with the function namespace. % a \term{binding} in which a \term{symbol} is the \term{name} % used to refer to an \term{object}. a \term{binding} in the ``variable'' \term{namespace}. \Seesection\SymbolsAsForms. \gentry{binding} \Noun\ an association between a \term{name} and that which the \term{name} denotes. \gexample{A lexical binding is a lexical association between a name and its value.} %% Added per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #5 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting). %% -kmp 9-May-94 When the term \term{binding} is qualified by the name of a \term{namespace}, such as ``variable'' or ``function,'' it restricts the binding to the indicated namespace, as in: \gexample{\specref{let} establishes variable bindings.} or \gexample{\specref{let} establishes bindings of variables.} =====[ Boyer #6 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT the suggestion. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This just clarifies a situation that is implied in a number of places but not said explicitly. EFFECT: Represents the \term{type} %% Replaced per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #6 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting). %whose only \term{element} is \param{object}. of all \param{x} for which \f{(eql \param{object} \param{x})} is true. =====[ Boyer #7 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT the suggestion. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This restricts the set of things over which COERCE is defined to the set of things which were meaningfully covered under the old, confusing wording. EFFECT: \itemitem{\typeref{complex}} %% 4.8.0 7 If the \param{result-type} is \typeref{complex} %% "number" => "real" per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #7 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 and the \term{object} is a \term{real}, then the \param{result} is obtained by constructing a \term{complex} whose real part is the \term{object} and whose imaginary part is the result of \term{coercing} an \term{integer} zero to the \term{type} of the \term{object} (using \funref{coerce}). (If the real part is a \term{rational}, however, then the result must be represented as a \term{rational} rather than a \term{complex}; \seesection\RuleOfCanonRepForComplexRationals. So, for example, \f{(coerce 3 'complex)} is permissible, but will return \f{3}, which is not a \term{complex}.) =====[ Boyer #8, #9 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to make a change to the glossary definition of "function name". IMPACT: EDTIORIAL. It was plain from the uses in the text throughout the document that there was an ambiguity of meaning that was widespread. Since the ambiguity can be pragmatically resolved, we decided to merely make the ambiguity explicit rather than making a technical change. EFFECT: \gentry{function name} \Noun\ 1. (in an \term{environment}) A \term{symbol} or a \term{list} \f{(setf \i{symbol})} that is the \term{name} of a \term{function} in that \term{environment}. % \editornote{KMP: I think that in many (but obviously not all) cases where % `function name' is used, `operator name' might be intended. % I'll be looking for such cases later, but if readers happen % to notice any of these, they should feel free to mark them.}%!!! % !!! Moon: Not always with respect to an environment, see e.g., function block name. % Also, can sometimes name a macro or special operator or be fbound. %% Added per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #8,#9 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 2. A \term{symbol} or a \term{list} \f{(setf \i{symbol})}. =====[ Boyer #10 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to cross-reference something else. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This is just cross-reference information. EFFECT: In CONSTANTLY (on page 5-66): \label See Also:: %% "not" => "identity" per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #10 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 \funref{identity} =====[ Boyer #11 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT the proposed change. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. Simple typo. EFFECT: In SYMBOL (on page 10-2): %% "historically" => "historical" per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #11 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 =====[ Boyer #12 ]======================================== Boyer #12: ACTION: X3J13 voted to make an editorial clarification. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This situation could not happen in practice because of implications elsewhere in the document. EFFECT: In USE-PACKAGE (on page 11-28): Old Wording: \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \Thepackage{keyword} cannot be supplied. \Default{the \term{current package}} New Wording: \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \Default{the \term{current package}} %% Next sentence reworded and moved per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #12 %% (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 % \Thepackage{keyword} cannot be supplied. The \param{package} cannot be \thepackage{keyword}. =====[ Boyer #13 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT the proposed change. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. A change to indentation in a coding example, not affecting correct execution -- only presentation. EFFECT: The following indentation will be used in the Notes on page 14-17: %% Indentation fixed per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #13 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 \code (defun subst (old new tree &rest x &key test test-not key) (cond ((satisfies-the-test old tree :test test :test-not test-not :key key) new) ((atom tree) tree) (t (let ((a (apply #'subst old new (car tree) x)) (d (apply #'subst old new (cdr tree) x))) (if (and (eql a (car tree)) (eql d (cdr tree))) tree (cons a d)))))) \endcode =====[ Boyer #14 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to make changes to the text to clarify the status quo. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. These issues were already implied by other passages, but needed to be made less difficult to fish out. EFFECT: 1. In (on page 12-5), second paragraph, inserted "irrational" before "mathematical function": If the arguments to %% Added "irrational" per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #14 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 %a an irrational mathematical \term{function} are all of type ... 2. Inserted a third paragraph: %% Added per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #14 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 Float substitutability applies neither to the rational \term{functions} \funref{+}, \funref{-}, \funref{*}, and \funref{/} nor to the related \term{operators} \funref{1+}, \funref{1-}, \macref{incf}, \macref{decf}, and \funref{conjugate}. For rational \term{functions}, if all arguments are \term{rational}, then the result is \term{rational}; if all arguments are of type \f{(or rational (complex rational))}, then the result is of type \f{(or rational (complex rational))}. 3. In table 12-8, changed #c(1 0) to 1: %% #c(1 0) => 1 per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #14 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 \funref{cis} & \f{(cis 0) \EV\ 1 \i{or} \#c(1.0 0.0)} \cr =====[ Boyer #15 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT the proposed change. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This was just a typo. The strange cross-reference was really a cross-reference to a table that had long since gone away. EFFECT: In the text of 12.1.6. (Interval Designators) at bottom of p12-9: The \term{compound type specifier} form of the numeric \term{type specifiers} %% Removed per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #15 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 %in \thenextfigure\ permit the user to specify an interval on the real number line =====[ Boyer #16 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to make a slightly different change. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This is just in the Notes (not a binding part anyway) and only affects cross-reference information. EFFECT: Old text: \label See Also:: \funref{realpart}, \funref{imagpart} \label Notes:: \code #c(a b) \EQ #.(complex a b) \endcode New text: \label See Also:: \funref{realpart}, \funref{imagpart}, %% Added per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #15 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 {\secref\SharpsignC} \label Notes:\None. %% Removed per Boyer/Kaufmann/Moore #15 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 % \code % #c(a b) \EQ #.(complex a b) % \endcode =====[ Pitman #1 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 noted this comment. IMPACT: NONE. EFFECT: Moral support. =====[ Pitman #2 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT the proposed action. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. Removed an ill-formed and confusing fragment having no useful meaning. EFFECT: %% Removed per Pitman #2 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 %\auxbnf{symbol-name}{(\term{symbol} | \term{string})} =====[ Pitman #3 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to ACCEPT the proposed action. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This is just frontmatter. EFFECT: On page "Credits v" in the front matter, added to Major Administrative Contributions the following: Tyson, Mabry\cr % Mailing lists at SRI =====[ Schulenburg #1 ]======================================== In the descriptions of SORT, REMOVE, REMOVE-DUPLICATES and SUBSTITUTE (and all friends) move the sentence "The result might or might not be simple and might or might not be identical to sequence." to the Notes section and prepend "If sequence is a vector, ...". In Description for each of SORT, REMOVE, REMOVE-DUPLICATES, and SUBSTITUTE: %% Moved to notes per Schulenburg #1 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting). %% -kmp 9-May-94 % The result might or might not be simple, % and might or might not be \term{identical} to \param{sequence}. In Notes for each of SORT, REMOVE, REMOVE-DUPLICATES, and SUBSTITUTE: %% Moved from Description per Schulenburg #1 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting). %% -kmp 9-May-94 If \param{sequence} is a \term{vector}, the result might or might not be simple, and might or might not be \term{identical} to \param{sequence}. =====[ Misc #1 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to add Loeffler to major contributions list. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This is just frontmatter. EFFECT: On page "Credits v" in the front matter, added to Major Administrative Contributions the following: Loeffler, David D.\cr % Mailing lists at MCC =====[ Dalton #1 (First Public Review) ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 reviewed follow-up comments on this matter and voted to make a minor presentational change. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. Just moving text from one place to another. EFFECT: Created new section (Character Set for Portable Code) and moved the sentence "Portable code is written ..." from to this new section. In %% Moved to its own section (see below) per Dalton #1 (1st Public Review) %% by X3J13 vote May 4-5, 1994 (after 2nd public review). %% -kmp 9-May-94 % %!!! Barmar wonders if this is really the right place for the next sentence. % \term{Portable code} is written using only \term{standard characters}. After (to create \beginsubsubsection{Character Set for Portable Code} \term{Portable code} is written using only \term{standard characters}. \endsubsubsection%{Character Set for Portable Code} =====[ Dalton #6 (First Public Review) ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 reaffirmed its vote to REJECT this proposal. IMPACT: NONE. EFFECT: NONE. =====[ Dalton #7 (First Public Review) ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 reaffirmed its vote to REJECT this proposal. IMPACT: NONE. EFFECT: NONE. =====[ Dalton #8 (First Public Review) ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 reaffirmed its vote to REJECT this proposal. IMPACT: NONE. EFFECT: NONE. =====[ Dalton #10 (First Public Review) ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 reaffirmed its vote to REJECT this proposal. IMPACT: NONE. EFFECT: NONE. =====[ Misc #2 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to make detailed changes to the chairmanships. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This is just frontmatter. EFFECT: 1. Change the erroneous title "Committee Chair" to "Ad Hoc Group Chairs": In the credits, on page "Credits v": %Committee Chairs:&\cr Ad Hoc Group Chairs:&\cr 2. Remove Daniels, Waters (iteration), Purdue, and Pitman (Lisp1/Lisp2). %% Removed per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 % & Daniels, Andy \cr ... %% Removed per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 % & Waters, Richard C. \cr % & Perdue, Crispin \cr ... %% Removed per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 % & Pitman, Kent M. \cr 3. Add "Graphics and Windows: Doug Rand." %% Added per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 Graphics \& Windows & Douglas Rand \cr 4. Add Daniels, Purdue to significant technical. [Also added comments to Pitman, Waters even though they were already in list.] Barrett, Kim A. & % Review, Cleanups Loosemore, Sandra \cr % Review, Compiler Bobrow, Daniel G. & % CLOS Margolin, Barry \cr % Review Daniels, Andy & % Conditions Moon, David A. \cr % Review, CLOS, Conditions DeMichiel, Linda G. & % CLOS Pitman, Kent M. \cr % Review, Conditions, Cleanup, Editor, Lisp1/Lisp2 Dussud, Patrick H. & % CLOS Perdue, Crispin \cr % Iteration Gabriel, Richard P. & % Review, Editing, CLOS Steele, Guy L., Jr. \cr % Review, CLtL Ida, Masayuki & % Administration of Public Review work Waters, Richard C. \cr % Pretty Printer, Iteration Kiczales, Gregor & % CLOS White, JonL \cr % Review, LOOP =====[ Misc #3 ]======================================== ACTION: X3J13 voted to clarify in that the consequences are undefined if these type restrictions are violated. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This is implied by other things, but it makes it more clear to say it. EFFECT: In (The ``Arguments and Values'' Section of a Dictionary Entry): %% I added the first part of this sentence as editorial discretion %% since I believe we strongly feel that this is not specified otherwise, %% but we want to avoid an unexpected conflict in case it is. -kmp 9-May-94 Except as explicitly specified otherwise, %% Added per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 the consequences are undefined if these type restrictions are violated. In (The ``Value Type'' Section of a Dictionary Entry): %% I added the first part of this sentence as editorial discretion %% since I believe we strongly feel that this is not specified otherwise, %% but we want to avoid an unexpected conflict in case it is. -kmp 9-May-94 Except as explicitly specified otherwise, %% Added per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 the consequences are undefined if this type restriction is violated. =====[ Editor #1 ]======================================== ACTION: Even though we didn't vote it, I made a number of mechanical changes (version number bumping, modification of change history, etc.) necessary to the mechanics of producing a new draft. IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This is just frontmatter. EFFECT: 1. a. Add document numbers of public review comments for reference. b. Correct lost reference to Cerys public review comment #21 in first review. c. Add mention of 3 second public review comments, and Shepard's late comment. 09-Sep-92 & Samson & Public Review Comments (\#1). Documents X3J13/92-1001 to 92-1003.\cr 22-Oct-92 & Rose, Yen & Public Review Comments (\#2). Documents X3J13/92-1101 to 92-1103.\cr 23-Oct-92 & Staley & Public Review Comments (\#3). Documents X3J13/92-1201 to 92-1204.\cr 09-Nov-92 & Barrett & Public Review Comments (\#4). Documents X3J13/92-3101 to 92-3110.\cr 11-Nov-92 & Moon & Public Review Comments (\#5). Documents X3J13/92-3201 to 92-3248.\cr 17-Nov-92 & Loosemore & Public Review Comments (\#6). Documents X3J13/92-1301 to 92-1335.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Margolin & Public Review Comments (\#7). Documents X3J13/92-1401 to 92-1419.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Withington & Public Review Comments (\#8a). Documents X3J13/92-1501 to 92-1512.\cr\cr 23-Nov-92 & Feinberg & Public Review Comments (\#8b). Documents X3J13/92-1601 to 92-1603.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Wechsler & Public Review Comments (\#8c). Documents X3J13/92-1701 to 92-1703.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Moore & Public Review Comments (\#9). Documents X3J13/92-1801 to 92-1802.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Flanagan & Public Review Comments (\#10). Documents X3J13/92-1901 to 92-1910.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Dalton & Public Review Comments (\#11). Documents X3J13/92-2001 to 92-2012.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Gallagher & Public Review Comments (\#12). Documents X3J13/92-2101 to 92-2103.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Norvig & Public Review Comments (\#13). Documents X3J13/92-2201 to 92-2208.\cr 24-Nov-92 & Robertson & Public Review Comments (\#14). Document X3J13/92-2301.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Kawabe & Public Review Comments (\#15). Documents X3J13/92-2401 to 92-2403.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Barrett & Public Review Comments (\#16). Documents X3J13/92-2511 to X3J13/92-2531.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Wertheimer & Public Review Comments (\#17). Document X3J13/92-2601.\cr 24-Nov-92 & Pitman & Public Review Comments (\#18). Documents X3J13/92-2701 to 92-2742.\cr 24-Nov-92 & Mato Mira & Public Review Comments (\#19). Documents X3J13/92-2801 to 92-2805.\cr 24-Nov-92 & Philpot & Public Review Comments (\#20). Document X3J13/92-2901.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Cerys & Public Review Comments (\#21). Document X3J13/92-3001.\cr 30-Aug-93 & Pitman & Draft 13.65 (for X3J13 consideration). Document X3J13/93-101.\cr 04-Oct-93 & X3J13 & Minor fixes to Draft 13.65 before sending to X3.\cr 05-Oct-93 & Pitman & Draft 14.10 (for X3 consideration). Document X3J13/93-102.\cr 08-Nov-93 & Dalton & ``reply to reply to pr comments''. Document X3J13/94-311.\cr 04-Apr-94 & Boyer, & \cr & Kaufmann, & \cr & Moore & Public Review Comments (\#1). Document X3J13/94-305.\cr 05-Apr-94 & Pitman & Public Review Comments (\#2). Document X3J13/94-306.\cr 14-Mar-94 & Schulenburg & Public Review Comments (\#3). Document X3J13/94-307.\cr 04-Apr-94 & Shepard & Late commentary. Document X3J13/94-309.\cr 05-May-94 & X3J13 & Editorial-only changes to Draft 14.10 in response to comments.\cr 10-May-94 & Pitman & Draft {\rev} (for X3 consideration). Document {\DocumentNumber}.\cr 2. Assigned new document number: \def\DocumentNumber{X3J13/94-101} 3. Document version with be 15.nn. Date will be assigned automatically my by checkpoint facility. 4. Changed the word "Draft" to "Version" in the banner on each page, so that when final approvals are made and this is no longer a "draft proposed" American National Standard, the word "Draft" on every page won't confuse people. =====[ Editor #2 ]======================================== ACTION: In both cases in MISC #3, I prepended the phrase "Except as explicitly specified otherwise," just to make sure we are not accidentally creating an apparent attempt to override some preexisting text. [GLS and KAB concurred with me that this was reasonable to do under the heading of "editorial discretion".] IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This assures that an editorial change we made in the meeting is really just that and doesn't have any unexpected surprises. EFFECT: See Misc #3 above. =====[ Editor #3 ]======================================== Action: I added index cross-references for the format operations and many readmacros, which were omitted in the previous pass due to lack of time. (In some cases, it was painful to do the necessary superquoting to make both TeX and my indexing program happy; in those cases, I just gave up, figuring some indexing was better than no indexing.) IMPACT: EDITORIAL. This only affects indexing, which is really frontmatter (or backmatter), but in any case is not a formal part of the spec. EFFECT: Numerous changes to the source files concept-macro-chars.tex, concept-format.tex, and dict-printer.tex. See the detailed Change-Log.text file which accompanies this file.